Friday, December 2, 2011

World's best Christmas markets

Posted: 02 Dec 2011 02:00 AM PST

best christmas markets

Since Germany gave the world the first Christmas market in 1545, the tradition has spread throughout Europe and crossed oceans to reach Asia, Australia and the United States.

Here are 10 of the best, some in distinctly unexpected locations.

Also on CNNGo: Travel advent calendar: 24 Christmas travel ideas

1. Weimar, Germany

Germany gave the world the first Christmas market, and Weimar the first public Christmas tree, put up by a bookseller who wanted to bring joy to poor children.

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50 things to do in Hong Kong this winter

Posted: 02 Dec 2011 01:59 AM PST

50 things to do in Hong Kong this winter

1. Ice skate in the snow

It's the best place to pretend it's snowing in Hong Kong. The Ice Wonderland set up at Tsim Sha Tsui's waterfront has outdoor ice-skating and fake snowfall. With the merry festive lights and a bit of imagination, we can almost believe we are a little bit closer to Santa. Until January 1.  

2. Clap politely for Hong Kong Open golfers

The early birdie catches US$2.5 million at Fanling's Hong Kong Golf Club on December 1-4. US Open champion Rory McIlroy and friends will descend upon the New Territories course for the UBS Hong Kong Open.

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DMZ: Road trip to the world's most heavily armed border

Posted: 02 Dec 2011 01:55 AM PST

As the tour bus moves from central Seoul to the city outskirts, the seamless transition from one of the world's biggest and most vibrant cities to the world's most heavily armed border is as surreal as it is functional, with roadside bus stops soon giving way to security fence and military watchtowers. 

"Many South Koreans don't think so much about the North", opines So Yeon (real name withheld for security reasons), a North Korean defector in her mid-thirties currently working for the Seoul-based Panmunjom Travel Center. 

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Best of Week - Christmas travel ideas, world's longest cake, bizarre bangkok eating

Posted: 02 Dec 2011 12:19 AM PST

Newsletter Date: 
2 December 2011
Newsletter Contents

Thai floods crisis: Updated info for tourists

Posted: 02 Dec 2011 12:19 AM PST

Thailand floods

With the worst of Thailand's flood crisis over, travelers are begining to return now that many governments have lifted their advisories against visiting. 

Though some of Bangkok's outskirts are still flooded -- the government promises the entire city will be dry by the end of the month -- from a tourist's perspective Bangkok is for the most part back to normal. 

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Top Xmas markets, HK winter to-do list, Sydney's neon surfers

Posted: 01 Dec 2011 10:17 PM PST

Newsletter Date: 
2 December 2011
Newsletter Contents


Posted: 01 Dec 2011 06:06 PM PST

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Posted: 01 Dec 2011 02:00 PM PST


阿育吠陀(Ayurveda)療法與傳統中醫建議在冬日進補「熱」食,例如在寒冬來襲時食用羊肉與荳蔻等有暖胃作用的食材。 其他的美食則與節慶有關,像是韓國於新年時會吃年糕湯慶祝。


1. 中國: 竹絲雞湯

black chicken soup
雞湯是禦寒的經典美食。 竹絲雞與一般雞肉相較起來,擁有更多的蛋白質,脂肪與卡路里也較少。 大廚將香甜的枸杞、蕃薯與黨參等草藥放入湯頭中,以調和陰陽。

福建沙縣小吃上海定西路 635 號,電話: 135-2483-3632


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