Members only: Tokyo’s sexiest party gets ready to take on Asia Posted: 29 Dec 2011 04:55 PM PST Show map at bottom of page A trio of dancers moves provocatively on a small stage as the dry-ice smoke swirls around them, their lithe frames clothed in outfits last seen on Jane Fonda in the 1968 cult classic, "Barbarella." Sometimes their faces wear playful smiles. Other times, it's a pout. The default, though, is the mouth-agape pose, the look designed to express ecstasy and eroticism, but which screams, "I practice this at home in front of a mirror." This isn't a strip club. It's the BlackList party, Tokyo's sexy, members-only, once-a-month naughty night out, brainchild of two French expats who just wanted to create a fun evening for friends. read more  |
10 of the world's ultimate sights Posted: 29 Dec 2011 02:05 PM PST Show map at bottom of page So many sights, so few vacation days remaining. Lonely Planet's new book "1,000 Ultimate Sights," published in October 2011, has listed the great, the strange and the hilarious things to see on our planet. Here are 10 to get us started.
1. Banksy public murals: Bristol, United Kingdom "Largely satirical takes on politics and culture, Banksy's pieces combine stencils with graffiti and have raised street art to the highest ranks." -- Lonely Planet read more  |
iReport:跟著咖哩香味走 Posted: 29 Dec 2011 02:00 PM PST Show map at bottom of page 以下是香港三間熱門咖哩食肆,將會讓你大飽口福: 國際咖哩館 國際咖哩館提供各式咖哩菜餚,從印度、馬來西亞、泰國、印尼到新加坡風格的咖哩皆一應俱全。 餐牌上幾乎所有的咖哩菜式都帶有十分強烈的辣度。 招牌菜式之一是蔬菜咖哩餃(六個售價港幣 30 元),以麵皮包裹蔬菜咖哩後下鍋油炸的菜式。 咖哩餃的餡料極辣,而麵皮完全不油膩。 國際咖哩屋的另一道知名菜式為印度咖哩雞。 消費金額: 每人港幣 120 元 每日營業時間上午 11 時至凌晨 12 時。 灣仔大王東街 26 - 30 號地下 ,電話:+852 2529 0088
阿里巴巴咖哩大王 所有具有冒險精神的咖哩狂都知道位於重慶大廈的阿里巴巴咖哩大王餐廳。 說它是餐廳,不如說是一間在牆角擺了幾張桌的攤檔。 供應傳統印度咖哩菜式,可自選肉類(羊肉、雞肉、海鮮,港幣 90 元)。 大廚對於香料入菜毫不吝嗇,所以要請店家另外提供印度酸奶(lassi,一種乳酪狀香料,可減緩辣味 )。 他們亦備有新鮮的印度烤餅,可與辣味咖哩一同享用的完美配菜。 在咖哩大王進餐的最佳時間是提供優惠餐的午飯時間。
10 authentic China trips for 2012 Posted: 29 Dec 2011 01:57 PM PST Text Bar: 10 authentic China trips for 2012 Rollover Headline: 10 authentic China trips for 2012 Rollover Lead Text: Although China's modernizing by the second, there are still places to experience the country's long history and diverse culture Show map at bottom of page  |
2012 New Year's resolutions for Hong Kong Posted: 29 Dec 2011 12:45 PM PST Show map at bottom of page Curb the gag factor in property ads Hong Kong's luxury property developments have no end of tacky names and advertising campaigns so cheesy they stimulate our gag reflexes. Witness Dynasty Heights (where daytime soap operas take place), Villa Lotto (you might get lucky) and JC Castle (a medieval JC Penny). There is a tendency toward the regal (Queen's Terrace, Royal Court, The Hermitage) and a penchant for the definite article (The Masterpiece, The Sparkle, The Zenith, The Hermitage, The Cube). read more  |
How Sydney celebrates the New Year Posted: 29 Dec 2011 10:58 AM PST Show map at bottom of page Sydney's all about being in the know, and on New Year's Eve the city comes alive with rooftop parties and jiving boats at the world's biggest harbor party. There are also festivals, beach parties and park gatherings. Restaurants and bars join the fun, too. Whether you want adventure, hedonism or romance, Sydney has it at the turn of the calender year. Peats Ridge December 29-January 1 The year's premier arts festival near Sydney hosts a multitude of bands, DJs, art installations, yoga workshops and stand-up comics for four days in the Glenworth Valley. Headline acts include The Holidays, Salmonella Dub, and Mountain Mocha Kilimanjaro. read more  |