Friday, July 29, 2011

China's algae invasion, roo attacks rise, amazing cycling routes

Posted: 28 Jul 2011 11:08 PM PDT

Top bike routes, China’s algae attack, Seoul's best pools

Posted: 28 Jul 2011 11:08 PM PDT

Jetstar cabin crew complain of low pay, safety fears

Posted: 28 Jul 2011 09:49 PM PDT

Alan Joyce

Australians have been flying to Thailand for decades to drink cheap beer, sleep in budget, beachside bungalows and devour Massaman curries. And that's not all: everybody knows you get more bang for your buck in Thailand.

But it has been revealed that the cut-price service starts even before you get stamped into the kingdom.

According to a recent ABC investigation, Qantas' budget carrier, Jetstar, has been employing Thai air hostesses on budget wages and working them on shifts that last for as long as 20 hours.

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Mumbai's mix-and-match approach to relationships

Posted: 28 Jul 2011 07:54 PM PDT

Visitors to Mumbai often ask me how liberal this Indian city really is, given that one arm of its authority appears to be perennially engaged in tamping down our freedom to play and express in public.

An attempt has been made to raise Mumbai's permissible drinking age to a world-record shattering 25; recently policemen arrested a flock of hapless youth for "dirty dancing"; an aging (and fading) right wing ideologue dusts off the cobwebs each February to spew ire on Valentine's Day and so on. 

Still, visitors ask me this question because regardless of how much moral policing they hear and read about there's no mistaking the free-and-easy vibe they pick up while they're in Mumbai.

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Tokyo’s tequila champs, inspiring fashion art, liberal Mumbai love

Posted: 28 Jul 2011 07:52 PM PDT


Posted: 28 Jul 2011 04:00 PM PDT

Sir Richard Branson 布蘭森爵士是否真的那麼拮据? 「老頑童」英國億萬富翁與澳洲藍航空創辦人 Brett Godfrey 一起開拓了在地面賺錢的門路。

他們決定出租於陽光海岸的私人天堂,位於近 Noosa River 河口的 Tewantin、面積 9.2 公頃的心形島嶼 Makepeace Island。 可不便宜呢!

布蘭森自 2007 年買下 Makepeace ,一直把峇里風格的隱世天堂作為朋友職員間舉行私人派對的場地。 但現在對外開放,連膳食、機場接送、豪華住宿,甚至郵輪晚餐都開放,只要有人肯花得起錢便可。

「只要 Brett 和我也沒有到 Makepeace ,小島及島上設施便會對外開放,讓其他人在這特別的地方享受恬靜閒適的環境。」布蘭森說。

好,收費現在揭曉。 8 人或以下每晚 $8,990 澳幣($9,586 美金),9-22 人每晚 $16,990 澳幣。

Makepeace Island, Noosa River, +61 (0)8 8351 7185,

Fashion meets art, with a little help from Vogue

Posted: 28 Jul 2011 02:59 PM PDT

Fifteen top fashion designers were given the chance to choose their favorite artists to collaborate on a special exhibition called "Fashion into Art." The result? Art, art and more art.

The exhibition was organized by Vogue Korea, which celebrates its 15th anniversary this year. Lee Myung-hee, editor-in-chief of Vogue Korea, was present at the preview last Monday, dressed in chic black and white, beaming and ushering visitors to the best spots to admire the artworks.

"It was indeed difficult to gather such celebrated artists together and display their works at a single venue, but they all agreed on the experimental project and eventually came up with an original and creative event," Lee says.

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X-Club: Shanghai’s best nightlife spot for bellicose boozers

Posted: 28 Jul 2011 02:57 PM PDT

X-Club, China's first laser tag theme bar, opened to little fanfare in Shanghai three months ago.

On the Sunday night when I show up with a handful of teenage boys, it stands polished but neglected, all chrome and patent leather under the Gothic bloom of the black lights.

We are the only people there. But then again, it is a school night. 

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Tequila: More than the drink of mere champs

Posted: 28 Jul 2011 02:55 PM PDT

Japan has 120 tequila sommeliers. Don't snicker -- it's a proper thing. If you can be qualified in fermented grape, why not distilled agave?

The Japan Tequila Association began offering the titles in January. To procure one, you'll have to down 12 shots in three minutes using only your lips, then play the song "Tequila" by The Champs on a five-string vihuela.

No, you won't. You'll be quizzed on the drink's history and production, cocktail recipes, food matching, regional characteristics and the stories and traits of various distilleries.

You'll then blind taste a tequila and guess its provenance, style and brand.

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Posted: 28 Jul 2011 02:00 PM PDT


平昌は 40,000 人の居住者を擁する山岳リゾートだ。この利点は、2018 年冬季オリンピックのホスト立候補地として確実なものにし、また世界レベルの冬のスポーツができる場所として街を再整備する時間も十分ある。

ソウルの南東 182 キロ、壮大な江原道・南部に位置する平昌は、海抜 700 メートル。韓国で最も起伏の激しい山岳地帯のひとつで、「韓国のアルプス」として知られている。

ソウルから平昌までは、現在、陸路で 3 時間 30 分かかる。 韓国政府は、2017 年に全面開通予定の最新高速列車により、所要時間を 50 分に短縮する予定だ。



1949 年に韓国で初めてスキー大会が開催された場所であり、この国初の公式のスキーリゾートが 1975 年に建設された。

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